Instructional Media for Tech


Thoughts on instructional design, my dog, and life


Have you visited Pottermore lately? What a great example of a pleasing entertainment website. When I first tried Pottermore I was sorted into Slytherin House. I know, boo hiss. Still, I thought I’d stick with whatever intelligence and intuition the universe was applying. I recently had the chance to choose a new house because the J.K. Rowling organization changed the underpinnings of the site. I decided to stick with the original. So, I’m a Slytherin : ) I even knitted myself a Slytherin House scarf.

OK, so what’s the deal about learning? Well, maybe not about learning, but about exploration and enjoyment. There are tidbits, and opportunities to read on, just enough to get something without having to click further, unless you want to. The initial page is valuable in itself.

The other thing that’s interesting is that even though Slytherin is vilified in the stories, the website includes positive aspects. As there should be if the house continues to exist. It’s not all bad. Merlin was in Slytherin. Somebody is on top of things at this site.

Which brings me to another question: what would you do if you had tons and tons of money and if you wrote a series that made it big? How would you—or would you—expand on the world, create a world new readers can find and old readers can continue to interact with? What’s the goal (learning objective?) of Pottermore? What’s J.K. Rowling’s goal?