Instructional Media for Tech


Thoughts on instructional design, my dog, and life


I recently read Teaming as part of a leadership book club. Excellent book. I found myself drafting a new client intake form, incorporating some of what I learned. For example, going in to a first time meeting with a client, I asked myself “where does the problem lie in the process knowledge spectrum?” (Figure 1.2, p. 33, 229), and “is the team organized to execute or organized to learn?” (Table 1.1, p. 28).

Things to learn from first client meeting:

  • What are they trying to fix?
  • Is the local team organized to execute or organized to learn? What about the larger organization?
  • What should be my teaming approach?
  • How much certainty is there in the performance problem space?
  • Implications for how I approach/interact?
  • Where is the perceived performance gap along the Process Knowledge Spectrum?

Read the book! Let me know what you think, and how you might apply what you learned to your work.