Instructional Media for Tech


Thoughts on instructional design, my dog, and life

Goals to Next Actions

OmniFocus Screen ShotOnce you have these nice goals, what do you do with them? How do you convert them into tasks? I follow two strategies, one Wishcraft-y, and one GTD-y.

On the Wishcraft side, I create a treasure map. A collage of images and words that resonate with my goals. I post this map on my office door, where I can gaze at it frequently. 

On the GTD side, I use OmniFocus for the organization step of David Allen’s workflow. I create a new, top-level, project for each goal, and add a next action for each. Each week, when I sit down to draft what I want to accomplish, I review my stack of goals and pick three to focus on. I create three mini-goals. Then I make sure I have a next action in OmniFocus for each mini-goal. (Why three, when I have eight goals? Well, because I’ve noticed I can’t get much more than about three accomplished, what with the rest of Life on my calendar.)