Instructional Media for Tech


Thoughts on instructional design, my dog, and life

Queen Isabella

Queen Isabella CoverI have to admire my daughter’s history teacher: she has a delightful prepared environment (a Montessori concept) where she makes sure her private library includes at least two quality primary sources for any of the research topics she assigns. My daughter has been working on a report on Queen Isabella. One thing led to another and I ended up listening to Queen Isabella: treachery, adultery, and murder in medieval England, by Alison Weir. Gripping. Plus, it turns out this is one of Ms. Olsen’s primary sources. I’ve never been a fan of history, or biography, so what a coup that Ms. Weir kept my interest through 22 hours (487 pages)! Do you know how Ms. Olsen keeps her library intact? Students must leave a shoe in exchange for the book they want to take out of the classroom.

I am blessed to be exposed to three great ladies.