Instructional Media for Tech


Thoughts on instructional design, my dog, and life

Learning to Manage your Money

Money chestWhen did you learn how to manage your money? (Have you learned how to manage your money?)

I had my initial lesson in managing my money when I arrived at university freshman year. There was a bank conveniently located right there in the student union. Of course, I wouldn’t say I learned the right way to manage my money. In fact, I picked up some very peculiar ideas, about how to use credit cards, for example.

So, now that my daughter is about to take off for college, I find myself wondering how she’ll learn, and, because that’s what I do, I find myself designing a course.

At this point, my working learning objectives are: a student should be able to (ASBAT) answer "Yes!" to these three questions daily and accurately:

  1. Do I know how much money I have? (Register balance)
  2. Do I know how much money I can spend? (Budget/spending plan)
  3. Am I sure? (Reconciled bank statement)

The next thing I need to figure out is how to make the course enticing to the target audience, i.e., teenagers about to leave home. Stay tuned!